Product description :
Our Oolong tea extract (OTE) boasts a high tannin content, ensuring exceptional purity and efficiency in contrast enhancement.
Application :
Preparation and Use of OTE Solution:
- Dissolve OTE powder in 70°C water at a concentration of 0.2% using a magnetic stirrer.
- Complete dissolution typically occurs within 15 to 30 minutes under agitation.
- Filter the OTE extract solution at 0.45µ or preferably at 0.22µ.
- Store the solution in a small Eppendorf tube or an Airless Black bottle, minimizing oxygen exposure, and refrigerate.
- Keep the solution in darkness at 4°C, allowing it to return to room temperature before use.
- Contrast grids with OTE for 15 to 20 minutes at room temperature, in darkness.
- Drain excess solution without rinsing or with very short washing for 1 to 2 seconds after drying.
- Post-stain with lead citrate according to Reynolds for 1 to 2 minutes.
- Drain, rinse briefly, dry, and prepare for observation.
Tips :
For the protocol on preparing your OTE solution and technical details regarding Oolong powder, refer to the technical notes provided.
Additional information :
No MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) is provided as OTE is a food product, ensuring safety and suitability for laboratory use.